overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, July 24, 2006


I realize that I've not been blogging about work recently.

But not much to blog about as well, except that things are getting better now, like the dawn after a long cold night.

Seriously, I still don't know what got into me that made me screw up Paradestate (basically it's taking attendance) 3 working days in a row. But that's the past. I hope.

Saw my upper again last Saturday when we went for Yuh Chian (Peng's upper) and Songyu's farewell (and learned that CPC has seen generations of good singers before us)... too bad I didn't take pictures (the Karaoke room was way too dark and my camera phone didn't have flash haha) that day... at least to let my dear readers know what he looks like.

Been doing a lot of exploraton these few days... trying to do some Foxpro stunts... no lah, just making data reports lah. But even that task cost me about half a day.

Lots of work to clear, but I gained a better understanding of how my upperstudy's programs work...

Isn't that what I say all the time? Haha.

Got lots of new games recently. Besides Pokemon Fire-red (which wasn't really recent "anymore"), I got a Megaman and a Zelda game too.