overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The End


Recently I've been missing the return journey on my private transport because I've been leeving the office quite late. Today I finally had the chance to take my transport again, and the air-con had to break down! Haha.

At least after the journey, I wasn't as sweaty as I thought I would be.

Made a trip to the arcade again... and further proved my hypothesis that the less frequently I play Initial D, the better I get. Also, I got to see the ending scene of Time Crisis 4 after much wait... last time there was a guy who gave up during the very last battle, but then again, it's not very sensible to spend $2 just to give the final boss one shot and end the game...

The guy I saw today finished with 1 Hit Point. That was close, man!