overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, July 27, 2006

We paid.

We paid, for a peaceful journey home.

We paid to take the private transport so that we don't have to stand all the way home, and it's of course better if we can have a short nap on the way.

Of course, nothing is perfect.

Today is one of the days when Justin's on board. You know... the kid whose photo I took a few posts back.

Nobody who sat beside him had a chance to sleep. Even though I was one of the only guys that he would talk (very loudly) to in the first place (the "few guys" include my colleague Bernard), most of the time if he gets to his peak, even the aunties who were sitting beside him couldn't sleep also. Near the end of the journey I felt like apologising on his behalf to those aunties whose displeasure were pretty obvious.

We paid for this.