overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Saturday, July 08, 2006

... ... ...|


A bit out of sorts these days...

Maybe because of work... or something else...

My life is getting more colourful, with new friends and new places to go and all... I'm glad for that.

But now it's not like last year when I can write a long and crappy story for every simple day...

Maybe it's because I can't use the net everyday... and as days go by, things that happened a few days back may seem now to be much less interesting to me, so I won't bother to put it down here when I finally get the chance to touch my blog...


That should be the reason.

Thankfully, I've been taking pictures these days when I'm not that free to record my daily life... and they speak for me.

Really sorry that I can't rant here that often now... both for those waiting for updates (I wonder who will...) and for the pity that some days of my life will just go by like blank sheets... forgotten...

Now for the photos...

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O'nigiri, my favourite Japanese rice ball! At least there's half of it left...

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Peng on his first skating outing! I wanted to take pics for others too, but my VGA phone camera kept giving me blurred images when I wanted to catch those fast SunnySat dudes...

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Justin, the boy who takes the same transport as I do to and from the office (and prevented me from being able to sleep on the journey sometimes)

Haha... what a smile...

See you!