overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, July 30, 2006


Regretfully, I couldn't put the photos together with my posts... so here are the photos which explain what the heck was really going on in my previous posts...

That day when we went to Marina Square to watch "Road to Guantanamo", there was actually supposed to be an autograph session with Jolin Tsai at 8 p.m.. Wow. We didn't stay for it (except for Nick, who was playing LAN until about 8) unfortunately... but then again, it didn't really matter. If it's somebody else like S.H.E., then maybe I die die must stay lah.

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Look at the crowd! We actually saw one TJC alumnus among the crowd... and both Jianyuan and I (the only ex-TJCians present at that time) knew her.

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More crowd! The group sitting in front of the guardrails were what I heard to be the fan club members.

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Forgive me for having a ceiling fetish... but here's what I took from Marina Square anyway.

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Yuh Chian and Songyu, for whom the farewell was organised as they'll be going overseas soon.

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The birthday cake!

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Happy birthday...

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Our blow-soccer we played on Friday. Hi Mr Toh.