overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Friday, March 31, 2006

"Moshi moshi"

Today I continued to be trained in phone etiquette, and while I'm still the inexperienced 2-week clerk, I'm at least more at ease now when taking calls and transferring calls.

After watching Initial D anime till I'm almost done with the 1st stage and wondering how in the galaxy do you actually do countersteering (turning the steering wheel in a direction contrary to that of the curve while drifting), I finally began to figure out the way of doing it after lots of trial and error.

And drifting really feels great! I finally understand the difference between drifting and power slide. There's no countersteering done in power slide... right?

Now, a few more practices and... hehe.