overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, March 23, 2006

First day working alone

I have to say... the private bus transport to my office was good, as in I don't have to wake up so early to take the MRT... but it is scheduled to arrive at my workplace on the dot...I was supposed to be in my office by 7:50, but the bus reaches the carpark at 7:50 a.m.,so in the end it appeared as if I was late forwork,when it was all up to the transport to make sure that I got there on time...

Never mind. Yesterday Yongyun (my upper-study) told me that he's going to be on leave today, so I expected to be working alone today... and it's only day 4!

I wasn't really alone, though... Nicholas (another senior) gave me some help as well.

Thank God the work today wasn't so hectic... the only thing I really couldn't handle was Corporal promotions...

I missed the return bus transport yesterday, but managed to catch it on time today (thanks to Nicholas who stayed to help me lock up the drawers I was supposed to lock... I'll remember to lock them earlier in the future).

But I digress.

Recently I got to watch the MTV of Jay Chou's "Lang Man Shou Ji" (Romancing on the Handphone) somewhere... and I found the girl who played Jay's love interest in the MTV cute! I don't understand the first part of the MTV, though...

The part of the video I can't understand... but who cares?

La la lala...
