overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Memoirs of a recruit: Post Mortem

Just here to publish a few (it's an understatement) pictures Colin took for Leopard Platoon 4.

Leopard 4 Section 1 with our Section Commander, Sergeant Eugene (centre)

Leopard 4 Section 2

Leopard 4 Section 3 with Section Commander Sergeant Badar(centre)

Leopard 4 Section 4

Excuse me!

Excused Upper Limb: The pose is an imitation of what they do as a substitute for push-ups

Our recruits with hearing problems

Shixiang and Habib were on "Excused Uniform" status when we're doing photo-taking... so they could only wear the No.4 top for a short while. Which results in this comical outfit.

Leopard Night (skit and song)

Habib as our Platoon Commander

Hafiz as our Officer Commanding

Norman as Sergeant Badar

Habib with the real 2WO Pandian, our Platoon Commander

Our instructors watching the performance

Preparing for the song preformance... I'm the guy in orange polo shirt

The song item itself. And Chin Seng's covering my face!

Chee Hang performing another song on his erhu, upon special request


Habib and Colin... what are they doing?

One morning in L4 S1 bunk

Habib and I

Chin Seng and Norman with a very gross expression

Kick Cock!

I love root beer

I simply love root beer!

Norman playing air guitar

Leopard patterns all over my face as I was mascot for Games Day. Too bad there isn't a picture of me in the full leopard suit... this will have to do!

Meet Sufiyan, my bunk mate!

Caught in the shower!


Chong Wee and the sandwich of jockey caps

Signing the Games Day commemoration sheet... Sergeant Ramlee is being pinned down so we could take a shot of him

"Pillaring" Habib!

"Pillaring" Sergeant Sam!

By the way... I'm posted to be an "Admin support Assistant"... I wonder if it's clerk work for the rest of the 2 years... most of my platoon mates became vehicle technicians... VEHICLE technicians!!!

I'm green with envy...