overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Eye got OWNED

Yesterday was testimonial day.

So we basically went to the hall to collect our testimonials from Ms Fong... my testimonial opens with a paragraph which says that I'm quick to grasp ideas in Physics... which reminded me painfully of my failure to do justice to my Physics knowledge during the A levels.

Anyway, after the thing, I went with Kaicheng and Joel to Tampines Mall for lunch... we went to the open gallery (I think it's something quite new for them) and talked about stuff, then Kaicheng was telling us about thie RPG he has in his phone, and I lent my Gameboy Advance to Kaicheng so that he could try out some Battle Tent battles.

Then we had lunch at Long John Silvers... I had this Fish Treasure Meal which gave me more reasons to call LJS my favourite fast food restaurant.

But I forgot to eat fruits after the meal... maybe that's because I'm having a fever now. Am I so horribly dependent on fruits, they're like becoming some kind of drug for me?

Yes I have a fever now... I puked this morning and I'm not sure whether I can go for the HO farewell...

Anyway, after lunch, I went to SGH for an eye inspection appointment.

After I reached there, I was told that I had to make one parent sign a consent form before the inspection could begin, so they had to fax the form to Dad. While waiting for the reply, I played a bit of Pokemon Emerald and was challenged (in the game itself) by a triathlete named ISAIAH.

Haha. So it's Isaiah versus ISAIAH.

OK... the whole inspection comprises some small exercises, including the "look at the red house" thing which you normally go through in optical shops, a measurement of the "pressure of the eye" in which a puff of air is being shot at my eye, 3 times for each eye (more than 5 times for my right eye due to reflex blinking which caused inaccuracy in measure).

Then the dilating of pupils which left me waiting for about 30 minutes (shorter than the wait during my CMPB eye inspection, though).

Then there's this numbing agent they applied on my eyes so that some sensor can be placed on the surface of my eye without me feeling it. But it was quite an experience... imagine the eye feeling numb.

The most gruelling exercise was the OCT. I was supposed to look at a red light nearby while they take pictures of my inner eye (without cutting it up) using a super bright flash light which got me tearing all the way throughout the exercise.

That's a torture, man!

After the inspection, I went to Costa Sands East Coast for the Student Venture chalet, during which we sang songs (as usual) and prayed. I helped set up the barbecue pit at the point when Tim and Jonathan were almost done with it... it was quite fun and I learned the correct way to fan a flame. By the end of it, however, my biceps were in pain. I guess the same goes for Tim and Jon as well.

Then there was this part where one of the co-workers called Moses prayed for the graduating Year Twos that they (meaning "we") will be faithful in obeying the Great Commission.

By the way, the sausages were really nice.