overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Friday, December 16, 2005

No Free Lunch

As for today...

Pool with Jiansheng in the morning.

Lunch (Jiansheng ate first... I was waiting for some great feast when we reached Suntec).

But as it turned out, Carl's Junior's burgers were rather expensive... and the coupon I got from the New Paper wasn't one that gave me a chance to try a burger for free (but to try the double what's-it's-name mushroom burger for the price of a single what's-it's-name mushroom burger). And I thought...

Free flow soft drinks come at a price, my friend...

Ended up having a tasty Terriyaki chicken rice at Carrefour. Not too bad huh?

Window-shopped with Jiansheng for a while before he went for some talk in Suntec Tower 3.

Played Initial D and regretted even trying Time Attack on the Happogahara course. My Skill in the Akina course is improving, though... I feel more in control of my car now.

And then I had to see some guy doing a Time Attack on the Akina course and drifting at about 120 km per hour... almost like Takumi. Some other guy raced with this pro and lagged behind by about 700 meters.

After that I did a practise jog again, back at College, after stopping it for months... this time, I did 3.6 km and my timing was about 20 minutes... I'm surely getting rusty...

And I forgot to bring along my shampoo... so I had to resort to using the hand soap in the toilet for my shower... at least it was better than nothing...