overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Friday, December 16, 2005

HO Chalet (the wet part)

I went on the 3rd day.

I arrived at Downtown East at about half past 8 in the morning (like, who would go there at this hour?) and since there was no one using the computers there, I blogged my last post with it. The keyboard was better than the one last year, but it sort of had some difficulty inputing the letter "A". I reached the chalet at 9.

Way too early, I suppose... I expected everyone to be snoozing there, but it turned out that most of them have not stayed overnight. Only Allen, Tai Man, Shi Lei, Shaojun and Ningxi were there...

Since I have arrived and they could no longer sleep (oops) we all watched TV... Ningxi was right... there're no good shows at such an early hour, but at least there was AFV (America's Funniest home Videos) which kept us entertained with clips like that one with the guy who was freaked out while riding some bungee jump machine; he screamed so much foul language that we heard only bleeps most of the time.

After that there were no shows that could arouse my interest, so I took out my GBA and trained my Heracross till it reached level 53 and learned Megahorn (just an increase of 2 levels... not that hard).

One of them told me that Waysi asked a very funny question to Geoffrey: "What's your CCA in secondary school?". On the 2nd day of the HO chalet. Too bad I wasn't there.

We then played Identity (which I was very bad at) and they kept saying it is easiest to remember whoever got Shi Lei's name. For that round it was Ningxi.

More guys came later, and we're all set to go to Wild Wild Wet... all but one (Dan) went there topless and Jiaming was wearing TJC PE pants (he got it during his first 3 months there before he went to TPJC... it was funny nevertheless). Dan actually hoped to keep his hair dry, and got a very sensible suggestion...

"Shave your hair."

I was shocked by the admission price... $13 for each individual... I think the @C people had some subsidy last year so I didn't pay much to go WWW with them...

Then there were the usual rides... like Shiok River and Ular-lah... I wasn't impressed by this ride last year but I began to like it this time, except that I kept getting positions where my back was facing the camera (that's saying much, considered the fact that we went for the ride for about 5 times!). What's worse, I mistook the surveillance camera for the one which was supposed to take photos of us sliding down on the big hoop...

Oh yes, the Slide-up was still my favourite ride... I can only use 2 words to describe it: Free Fall.

And I was mystified by Dan's claim that he could actually get stuck halfway through the individual slide... later I learned that he got stuck because he sat up.


The wave pool was not bad too... I was treading water all the way and sort of sprained my hip joint a bit. And we went to a section which I knew nothing of last year... the Jacuzzi pool. The jet (is it water or air jet?) was quite strong and if you sit in such a position with the jet shooting into your pants, your pants will bluge up with air... it looks quite obscene.

What I got at the end of the day? Fun, Abrasions, Sunburn.

After that (read: About 5 hours of WWW) we went back to the chalet... I was so hungry (I skipped lunch) that I ate 2 cups of instant noodles. Kelvin, who went there late and missed our WWW trip, was playing Identity with the others.

I later joined them for dinner and after being able to solve the mystery behind the 9 boxes game (which they did back at the chalet after dinner), I went off.