overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, March 01, 2007


When things don't get your bloody way...

... you bloody sulk.

This morning while almost everyone was having a "break" from work (due to some technical issues), one of my colleagues ordered pizza so she was asking if other colleagues were going to order along with her.

The 3 of us were sitting in another corner and somehow they've forgotten us, so when the pizza came, all of us realised that.

Then this joker called Weiquan suggested that the "victims" turn and stare at them while they got stuffed with pizza.

Nobody supported the motion.

So he took it upon himself to do the staring. And he stared.

Actually they already felt a bit apologetic, and the staring made it worse, I think. So they apologized again and tried offering a wedge of that pizza.


Then I had to reject (of course) and went off to the toilet to hide, haha.

I was just trying to "make a point", I believed, and not to demand for something I couldn't have anyway.

But was even "making a point" worthwhile?


Many a times when things don't get our way, we try to show our displeasure in all the ways we can find. Sulking is one. Throwing a tantrum on a Richter scale isn't that entirely impossible as well.

And then when you finally get what you want, or when it's finally available to you, that's when you start to think, what's it that you've been wanting after all? And at the expense of what?

Time? Peace? Money? Reputation? Integrity? Friendship?