overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saving Private Tamama

And I thought the Giroro Robo was already the coolest K66 platoon robot you'll ever get.

Until the Plamo of Tamama Robo was released!

While Giroro Robo had power-packed upper limb weapons (and pretty dismay lower limbs :P), Tamama Robo's emphasis on length is obviously at the lower limb. Even so the TMM-Rb isn't just for kicks (pun intended)! The upper limbs aren't to be underestimated too, as they comprise of this BIG laser cannon (probably used to emulate the trademark beam attack, "Tamama Impact") and some other missile shooter similar to that on Giroro Robo.

Tamama Robo!

Ghahahahaha! Invincible! Mudeki Desu~!

The BI~G laser cannon is just so cool!

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