overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Grey Grey Sky

Today at office, I had this feeling that time was going so slowly...

Or maybe it's just the dark skies which give me a feeling of lateness plus my watch which insisted on showing me a time that's earlier than 1730.

Hmm anyway...

Supposed to go gym with some colleagues today, but due to unforseen circumstances (read: WORK) I couldn't leave office with them. Thought I could join them later (when they're, like, at their last 15 minutes there), but in my haste I left my PT shoes in the office.

Imagine a bloke in vest, hotpants (Hoo~!) AND leather shoes.


Of course, in the end I decided that going home straight away would be a much better choice. They said they're going to go gym every week anyway.

Air Force open house preview this Friday...