overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, September 03, 2006


This week there was the Air Force Open House.

I went for the preview with my colleagues.

Before going to Paya Lebar Air Base, we went to Bugis for lunch... Bernard brought us to this restaurant called V8. The seafood spaghetti was nice, but the restaurant sure could use more staff.

After the meal I went to buy some stuff and they went to Kinokuniya (but I think they're just going there to wait for me... oops). Basically, when I go to a shopping centre I haven't visited for ages, I go to those shops where they sell those small ornaments and collectibles to look for handphone ornaments and "rare Pokemon".

By that I meant the Pokemon Chara-kids figurine series.

Well my search wasn't futile... I got an Octillery figurine!

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"Octy Octy!"

I think this is one nice shot, man... the lighting and the angle were just nice.

Besides my Octy, I also bought a new handphone ornament.

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The original "dog tag"

Now for the RSAF open house...

The whole thing was quite fun (except that the weather was really hot... but then again, rainy weather in such cases would have been much worse...). We gathered at the Food Zone to escape the hot weather before moving on to the stations at a later hour.

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You actually get a chance to sit in the cockpit to see how it feels like, but I didn't bother

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Now you know what to do when your friend boasts about his big titanium muffler on his zhng'ed car.

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The Apache...

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And its little missiles in a beehive-like housing

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"Arty arty!" Well they do showcase some ground support vehicles too, like Arty and Armour.

Personally, the Arty gun photo is my favourite. Must be the angle from which I took that shot... gives the Arty gun more "presence" don't you think?

We later stayed for the air show (some of our colleagues went off already. I actually was damn shagged at that time as well but I believe it's really not worth the trouble going for that open house if you missed the air show), in which they show us how air vehicles can attack and also support ground troops in combat.

Those garang F-16 pilots had to endure up to 9G (9 times the force of Gravity) of force. Wow those drifting cars which experience a few G's already get their drivers dazed. Imagine 9G!

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I found the image of a Chinook chopper transporting a suspended Arty Gun a very cute sight.

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Was I slow, or were the F-16 fighters so fast, that... I only managed to take a shot of the smoke -- what's left of their exploded target.

Our regular performers at the National Day Parade: the Red Lions parachuting team was there as well! And we really got to see them at close distance!

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Why was I suddenly reminded of Time Crisis 3?

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After the whole thing I went home to sleep for one hour before coming out again to have a KFC meal with Kelvin and running into Kailun and Alaric, and...