overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Bernard

Yesterday, after making that long post about CDs, I went for a quick swim and then for cell group with Jiansheng.

Hmm it's time I take a step of faith instead of just stop going for church and cell group. And Jiansheng's cell... well I have a feeling I can settle down there once and for all. Hopefully.

After that I went for Bernard's birthday dinner at Fish & Co, Dhoby Ghaut!

It's a standalone building with glass walls and roofs... some more with sports channel inside. AND there was a match between Liverpool and West Ham yesterday.

More about that later.

It was my first time (OK that's so very typical of me) in Fish & Co... so I didn't really know what to choose. YY was telling me about this "Seafood Platter For 2" which will easily leave 2 persons very full.

Now that really made me excited. Chor Bin and I decided to share this meal then, and we're even talking about the prospect of challenging Peng (famous for being a big eater) to finish this platter alone.

Soon the platter arrived and I, erm, deflated.

Not that the serving is small; I actually didn't feel hungry anymore after finishing the meal (though I really have to apologize to CB for taking most of the squid), but on the other hand, I could easily have finished the whole thing alone.

Then came the match.

We stayed during the first half (they were trying to explain to me the meaning of "Offside", to no avail...), at the end of which LFC's Crouch scored a sudden goal which broke the tie. So sudden that we didn't even have the time to shout "Goal!".

We left afterward for City Hall to play LAN. It's been a long time since I played Counterstrike, but I'm glad to say that I haven't quite lost my touch.

On the not-so-bright side, I didn't have so much "touch" to lose in the first place haha.

I surprised myself in the first map which was AWP (the sniper map), and in another map where we all pick up weapons instead of buying them, it was only halfway through that I remembered to choose the shotgun. Easy to makan people using that.

During the match I changed my nickname to "CPL_Wang" (yeah yeah dream on, Private!), and after that those guys started changing their nicks too, to various ranks ranging from REC (Recruit) to LG (Lieutenant General). I even became a RAdm once.

At about 2300 hrs CB and I went off, and the others stayed there to play, since they're supposed to go for duty at the Army Half Marathon at about 4 a.m. anyway.