overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Well... a few more days of work, work, work.

And the frustration that I can't get my things done quickly.

PLUS the frequency of new tasks coming up.

Guess this is like school life in some sense... where every of your subject teacher thinks that his subject is the only one you're taking.

But unlike studies, the feeling of being heavily loaded will be instantly gone come knock-off time. And to get my mind really off work, 1 day of leave is actually enough for me.


Had dinner with Keon again at KFC... something happened that he said he would blog about... but I guess he can't care less about blogging these days haha... not telling about it is only to my benefit.


OK lah... I got normal fries for him instead of cheese fries lah OK? But seriously, the fries at KFC really needed the cheese sauce. Otherwise it's tasteless.

Anyway, he just got some license for driving some armoured vehicle and I had the "honour" of being the first one to have a look at it since he booked out.

Bought S.H.E.'s latest Greatest Hits Compilation, "Forever". Hmm... to some it's not worth getting a CD with only a few new songs, but in this case I don't have most of their CDs since "Together" (their previous Greatest Hits album), so it's worth the money for me lah.

Just that it would be better if I can choose whether I want the DVD or not... I don't really mind not having the MVs if I can pay less for just buying the songs CD.

Recently Jianyuan went into cross-stitching, and for starters, his first attempt was actually quite a major task... a very detailed image of Sagitarius.

Hmm sounds quite fun... so I decided to give it a try too. some would say that designing my own design for a starter is really too much, but to me it's a way I start with any easy picture which I'm interested in. Besides, I'm already done with the design.

Will post the picture of my first cross-stitch piece here after it's done.

Saw an article on the New paper about single adoption (people who don't want to marry but want "children" choose to adpot them). This practice raised some issues.

Well, for me, I'm instantly turned off by people who say they don't believe in marriage.

Also, such practices can be described as "wanting the pleasures marriage can bring without wanting the commitment involved". In this sense, one might go so far as to say that single adoption is like cohabitation and premarital sex.

OK maybe not that serious lah, but why should one back away from marriage?