overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, August 21, 2006

For example...

During some point in this year, I got a bit tired of swimming for no apparent reason.

Not so anymore.

Thus I've been swimming quite regularly these days... I'm going to go for a swim later again haha.

Can lah, I'm on leave today (heh heh...). My colleagues at Depot must still be having lunch right now. I've spent my morning watching my Ini D 4th stage DVD and taking naps...

OK back to topic. During one of my swimming trips I came across this sign in the changing room... well the picture will say it all.

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A good example of a negative example.

Well I don't know if someone coincidentally left the key there, or they really mean for it to be some demo of really careless behaviour, but don't you find my caption funny nonetheless?
