overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy birthday

One thing I'll call Singapore -- a miracle.

41 years of independence... not that "independence" was such a great thing on this day on 1965. It was said that Singapore was "Out!".

On its own. Abandoned. A "moment of anguish". Not really something worthy of a celebration. Most people were actually worried about the future of Singaporeans at that time.

It's the passion of our nation builders that changed things. It took passion to improve conditions like housing and health of the people. Many say that Singaporeans were too co-operative. But if not for co-operation of the people, our nation could not have made it this far.

Some say we're a red dot on the map, but then again, our small size means that it's not really difficult to centralise things and set standards. Which was a good thing, of course.

Freedom from natural disasters was a plus point, of course. But we're lacking of natural resources as well, which is sort of like a price we had to pay for safety.

It's really our people that made the difference.