overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, May 29, 2006

Keh Huay Sioh!

Today I brought my instant Crysanthemum tea powder to the office, so I can virtually have an unlimited supply of Keh Huay Sioh (Chor Bin said he's going to bring some other kind of instant oriental tea soon). The only snag is that I have to walk the entire length across my office to reach the hot water dispenser. Ugh.

Oh... YY and Yuh Chian (Huang Peng's upper) came for a visit today! I almost thought I would have questions for him but... OK lah... I'll explore by myself and spare him the trouble (I managed to solve the problem later, anyway).

Oh, and tomorrow I can finally report for work in my No. 3 uniform!