overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Food Chain

This week I finally changed into my No. 3 uniform (the formal one, with the shirt which looks like the TJ uniform) after a long wait (it's my superiors who are waiting, rather than I myself... haha. I sort of miss my No. 4), but I'm new to the art of ironing clothes... Mum had to iron my shirt for me to see first, but even so, after seeing her demo I still wasn't up to the mark... the day when I wore the shirt I ironed to the office, I got scolded for wearing such a crumpled shirt...

After getting the camera phone previously used by Mum, I started taking photos like a wannabe photographer... trying to take so-called "abstract" pictures from time to time. Enjoy.

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The top glass dome of Century square

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The outside wall of Century Square

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Century Square itself!

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One tall building I shot at Suntec during the Food chain game organised by our branch

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The glass celing of Suntec shopping mall

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Darth Weiquan

Yesterday we had an outing organized by our branch... we had breakfast buffet at Delifrance... it was a buffet with pastry items like the Croissant and muffins... thanks Mdm for the treat!

After the breakfast (most of us ate sparingly since we're going to do a LOT of eating later) we're briefed on the details of the game we're going to play -- Food Chain!

Well, at least that was the name they've given the the SHi Zi Lu Kou game played with English as the language medium... you know, the game where the first letter of the food item you eat must be the last letter of the previous food item. The first item will be given to the team, and the team will be notified of the last item after coming up with the 7th food item (the team must eat 10 food items in total -- and no groceries allowed).

Our team, led by Max, got to start with Fire Floss Bun and we continued with Nugget - Twister Fries - Sundae ice cream-Mango Cake - Egg (we divided one single hard boiled egg from a Mee Siam stall into 4 slices!) - Gourmet food loaf - French toast with Ham - Mee Siam - Muah Chee. We're supposed to take pictures as proof of having tried the food items, and I took pictures for some of them.

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Twister Fries!

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We tried to stay within the Suntec and Marina Square area, instead of going to other parts of Singapore, even though we're free to do so. Some of the teams went to places like Parkway and Bugis.

But still, our team lost. What the heck?

And the forfeit mentioned by CPT Brian was actually -- Raw Eggs! Max almost had to consume it until Mdm Esther decided to, erm, be a bit protective and drink it for him.

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Our Food Chain team! (From left) Max, Mr Toh, Mdm Theresa, me, Sueann and Ms Lim

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Max in his "Spidey suit"!

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Why the sad look, Chor Bin?

After the game, we went for a K-Box outing -- the first time in my life!

Nicholas proved himself to be a K-box veteran, Junming sang Cantonese songs, and so did Bernard (he's a Hongkonger after all!), Huang Peng's singing rocks, Chor Bin and Dom were a bit low profile, but to my surprise, Dom actually sang Rainie Yang's "Guo Min" (Allergic) with me!

My singing was a bit soft... like I was singing to myself. Except for some songs like David Tao's "Zhao Zi Ji" (Find Myself) which I can sing to the fullest extent.

And before the outing yesterday, I didn't imagine I could even sing the songs by rock band Shin! In the end I actually sang a few parts of "Si Le Dou Yao Ai" (Love Even After Death) and "One Night in Beijing"!

Oh yes, the MTV of "Sha Po Lang" by JS band was really funny... Sophia kept doing Tai-chi moves with her feet perfectly rooted to the ground! Wow!


No one said I lost weight last year when I had this daily regime of running 3.6 km (as my blog readers can remember), and no one said I lost weight when I was doing BMT. Recently, however, after being a clerk (and not sweating at all for most of the days) for 2 months, my electone teacher and Keon said that I looked like I lost weight.

What the heck?!