overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Friday, May 26, 2006

Lame chop

Today during lunch, I visited the E-mart again to shop for Army vests. This time I bought a yellow Armours vest.

Some of my colleagues were at the E-mart as well, and I was joking with them about the FBO... not the Full Battle Order, but the Full Beggar Order.:

  • PT Kit (grey Army singlet + black shorts)
  • Foldable canvas stool (available in all shapes and colours at any SAF E-mart near you)
  • Ranger hat (or a less convincing Jockey cap)
  • Camo Cream (to soil yourself a bit)

After the shopping trip, we went for lunch together, and after Huang Peng's casual mention of having a diarrhoea yesterday, we started to talk about stuff along those lines to put Jianyuan off his curry puff... I was even talking about the similarities between squeezing out the contents of a curry puff and... that other activity.

And we sort of gave him some reminder about flushing after he was done with the puff (with much difficulty).