overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sentry surprise!

Today I reported for work as usual.

But just before lunch...

Someone called from the camp guardhouse, looking for me.


So I was supposed to do afternoon sentry duty.

"No, it wasn't me... for this time slot, the duty list (I have a soft copy of it) showed..."

My name.


I actually remembered seeing my name a few weeks ago on the list for today, but... didn't remember.

Oh fine, I wasn't too late, though...

But since I came late, the vacancies in the pass exchanging office are full, so I had to stand by this baggage scanning machine from lunch time till 6 p.m..


I wasn't so lonely, though... there will be an RP (regimental police) with me at that post, and also, there were Kelvin's heartwarming SMSes. Haha.

And near the end of my duty, along came this RP who was famous for being the bane of all mosquitos... turned out that he killed 2 of them in less than half an hour... one of them was killed while sucking on my arm.

It was right after the whole ordeal when I realized that my left foot hurt from all the standing. It doesn't hurt anymore now. Thanks for your concern.

*Like anyone worries for me.*