overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Go biking!

Well, I think I'm the kind of person who dives head first into every new discovery.

And one particular night after work, I went Changi Beach for cycling again. Cycled all the way to somewhere near the SAF Ferry terminal (Nostalgia!) and had a "head-first" crash along the way while trying to dodge a passenger (I'm still not that skilful huh?). Ended up with a bruise near my lower lip, a minor cut on my left knee and a chipped front tooth.

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My bruise, if you can see it. Just behind the bruise is an ulcer in my mouth, and that's the real painful part.

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The chipped tooth wouldn't have been that painful if not for the fact that the core became slightly exposed. So you can imagine when I bite into a chilled apple...

And I still haven't learnt my lesson yet. Either that, or I learnt another lesson: Never give up just because you fell once.

On the next day I bought my own bike and started some long-distance biking... from Tampines to East Coast Park!

Click to have a look at my bike!

I chose a not-so-biker-friendly route so I had to pay for the consequence of bumpy sections and near-ball-crushing experiences. Nevertheless, I felt a huge sense of satisfaction after arriving at East coast park. The cycling road was pretty nice, and I cycled all the way to... well I just kept cycling until I reached that SAFRA country club which my family went every year (for the past few years) for chalet.

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The bungaloes.

On the way back from the country club I got past The Middle Of Nowhere and it started raining.

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The Middle Of Nowhere

Well thank God it was just a small rain, even a drizzle.

On the way there were also these structures whose purpose of existence was unknown to me. Still they were quite impressive to see.

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All in all it was a nice trip, but the return journey was ardous! You know... exhausted and wet, wishing that you knew better than to put yourself in this quest you have to complete no matter what...

And then, Home Sweet Home!

P.S. After my JC days during which I suddenly lost interest whatsoever in romantic love (I was still "straight" at that time though), recently I started thinking about the whole issue again. I even had dreams about it. Haha. It will really be quite an exciting journey when I finally find the girl who will smile when she thinks of me and will also make me smile when I think of her.