overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Information overload

Hmm between yesterday and today I bought quite a lot of stuff.

"What's so amazing about Grace" by Phillip Yancey (I've browsed through it in a library years ago and thought it's a very good Christian book. There's a purpose I bought it actually... you'll know soon, if things go as planned...)

Stef Sun's new compilation album. Because I haven't bought most of her past albums (same reason as the one for SHE's Forever).

Another Japanese album by this singing group called WaT. Heard that they're quite accomplished back in Japan, so...

As for manga...

Initial D volume 33 and Pokemon Adventures volume 22 (both of which are in Japanese!)

Keroro Gunsou (that froggish sergeant series I'm a bit crazy about recently) volume 1, in Chinese. The reason I bought the first volume in Chinese was because I wanted to at least have a clear understanding of the background story before I try reading the Jap versions straight.

Infomeshon obaaloodo de arimasu!