overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Under Attack!

Last week I'd been looking forward to this Monday, as it was decided that it would be the day when the understudies of Nick, Dom and Bernard would be posted to our unit.

Well they came first thing in the morning! Welcome Kelvin (Nick's under), Reuben (Dom's under) and Chiang Wee (Bernard's under)! From the looks of how they'd been doing these few days, I say they're doing pretty well.

As for attached personnel, we're having quite a few of them in our branch now... including Shaun (who's from Temasek JC too!), Aloysius (we bade farewell to him yesterday as he left for OCS... all the best Aloysius!) and Joash.

Congrats to Nick, Dom ,Weijie and other colleagues who became DDFs (Double-digit Fighters -- those with 99 or less days to ORD!) with effect from yesterday!

On Monday I joined Dad for badminton. And I forgot all the basics of holding the racket, as it was so long since the time I had some proper badminton lesson (which was in Sec 2). Yes, you can't hold the racket as you like! It's called discipline!

Yesterday I went to gym along with Dom and Weijie for the first time. I did about one hour of workout and it was good shit, man! What I love about working out is the tense feeling you feel in your muscles right after finishing the exercises.

And the aches that come haunting you on the next day.

OK lah, At least I'm not aching as much as I was on Tuesday from the badminton.

Nevertheless, I want to carry on with habitual exercise. It's good for me. And as pathetic as my badminton skills were, I want to challenge myself to do better at this sport.

Shit... it's so remeniscent of the emotion that got me starting playing Initial D one year ago. Haha.

And I realised that I've gone into a frenzy of getting small little ornaments to decorate my work area in the office. Here's a new member of the formation.

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I bought a finger puppet figurine of the Keroro Gunsou series... each box has a figurine of a random character... and as you can see, I got CPL Giroro again! Haha.

Don't worry, that photo wasn't taken in my office.

On another day I was walking past an SK Jewellery outlet and...

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Ahem. Well... gramatically speaking, "every woman deserves to shine", but "you deserve (no 's') to shine".

Today I heard over the radio that America condemned the coup in Thailand as some act contrary to democracy.

I couldn't make any sense out of that.

Well, wasn't Thaksin ousted for allegedly removing democracy from the Thai government? Doesn't that mean that the coup was supposed to be part of a fight for restoring democracy in Thailand?

OK it's a coup after all, but if a nation's democracy was in danger, how do you expect to remove the threat to democracy by voting?

And if the use of military means to bring about political changes in a country is wrong, please do explain the Iraq war.