overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I'm so OWNED.

Got back most of my Prelim Papers already.

Maths: 53%

Chem: 41%

Computing: 42%

Physics: Only got back Paper 2. Got OWNED by it as well.

Sigh... but it feels good to be able to see my friends again (after a 6-day study break).

For the first time in my College life, I was so not looking forward to Computing lesson today, but in the end things turned out fine and I wasn't scolded at all. Phew.

Sigh... at least I'm still the "top 6th" in the whole Computing cohort. The Cohort of 6.

Yong Chuan got hold of a copy of Mein Kampf (My Struggle) written by Hitler. It was actually quite thick and cost about $40.

The CS Lab printer is giving me loads of trouble, and I can't bear with it anymore. I shall use the printer in IT Club Room to print the past year papers for Computing.

Sigh... feeling glum now. But not down. Just a bit erm... glum. Yeah.

There's Electone course later. Hope it will brighten me up a bit.

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Have a nice day...