overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Friday, September 30, 2005

Nice BGMs, an unexpected visit, the Night for 80, a long lunch and blogger blues

Yesterday was uneventful (unless you want me to talk about forgetting to bring my Physics 2004 A level Paper 1), but I added some music into my day.

Yes... my very first MP3 download in my life!

Isaiah the country bumpkin.

Yeah... I was seeing Joel Long playing DotA and playing some background music that had an Anime air about it, so I asked him (because he plays Initial D too) whether he had MP3 files of Initial D BGMs (background music, that is) and he said that he was actually playing one of those BGM songs (I suppose that song appears in the Anime, because it was nowhere in the arcade game).

He also told me a website where I can download the BGMs I want, and it turned out that Junqun had an account there, so he helped me log in and I downloaded 3 of my favourite BGMs from the game. My favourite is the song entitled Speedy Speed Boy.

Speedy Speed Boy

Running with my car
Running in my dreams every night...Night
Born to overtake
Born to race and to overdrive...Drive

Engine's over the red degrees
And my heart beats as much as I can breathe
But I don't want claim any stop
They wanna say I'm quitting...(Quitting)

Speedy Speed Boy - gasoline's burnin' in
Speedy Speed Boy - as fast as I can be
Speedy Speed Boy - every night and day
Wind is on my face

Squealing off the tyres
skidding to the left and right...Right
My step on the brakes,
rear vision , mirror to spy...Spy

It's the BGM for the Myogi pass (the most basic level).

This morning while we guys were sitting at our usual table in the canteen waiting for assembly, Jingjing made a surprise appearance at our College, I think she was here to see Cailin and collect some notes from her... she asked me to help the 2 of them take a photo, but when she offered to take group photos for us... I mean look, the group there consisted of me, NCC, Kelvin, Jinrong and Jansen (the 2 J's don't know Jingjing very well), so we turned it down.

Heard some grim news this morning: That there are only 80 students who have signed up for Graduation Night (a Prom night for Graduated Year Twos). Compared with the figures for the past few years, usually from around 500 to 600, that's quite sad indeed.

Sigh... so should I save up for Grad Night? If I do, I've got to turn up with decent clothes (and that costs money too).

Oh, yes. I heard from a Jonathan that PES C people don't have to go for early NS despite having failed NS. So that means I can go for Metamorphosis (a year-end Christian Camp) organized by Campus Crusade.

$85 for Grad Night... $140 for Meta. How?!

Before lunch time today, Kelvin told me that we're to buy envelopes for ourselves and submit our own envelopes, with names and addresses written on it, to the College for them to mail us our A level... erm... slips. Some kind of slip lah.

I bought a pink envelope (that's the only envelope which was big enough for an A4 paper) and when Yong Chuan saw me after that, he asked me whether I was getting married.

Then I had a long lunch with Kelvin and Jansen at KFC, and we ended up talking about stuff like school life and Pokemon.

There's this incident recently about a few bloggers being suspended from school because of writing negative remarks about a teacher on their blogs.

As a blogger, I think that's kind of unfair... I mean, what is a blog if we can only put politically correct stuff in it? How can we blog about our thoughts under the knowledge that our blogs are under some kind of scrutiny, and any negative remark is going to get you into deep shit?

Racist remarks are different, because I believe that racism will cause large-scale conflict (it affects a whole community, not just individuals).

But using your authority to prosecute certain individuals for making bad remarks about you is simply a petty move.