overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The 40-50 syndrome

I finally got to know my Physics overall percentage. 52%.

So... this time round my best subject was Maths. Quite surprising for me. All my subjects for Prelims are, therefore, around the 40-50 range. 42, 42, 52, 53.

Oh... the 2nd 42 marks is for Chem... because I think I can claim one point for my Paper 3... it contributes 0.5 points for my overall, but my overall was 41.5 in the first place (and I think it's rounded down...), so the increase in 0.5 points will be significant for me.

Come to think of it, I didn't know how I survived my O levels... I have already forgotten how hard I studied at that time... did I have to study like crazy at that time?

Now, it seems that the stress has gone up to a new level.

It's Maths day for me today, because we've got to do a practice paper which Mrs Leong will go through tomorrow.

Stupid me... I fell asleep during Maths (I'm not lazy, I just slept late last night!), and was seen by Mrs Leong... heh. She didn't scold me, though... Phew. Just suggested that I stand up for a while to keep myself awake... it worked. She said it wasn't a punishent.

I heard lots of stories about people scoring A grades for their A levels after being OWNED during the Prelims season... I certainly can't imagine myself getting 4 A grades... but, all things are possible to he who believes... Amen?

Oh, remember the song from the Initial D HK movie, Yi Lu Xiang Bei (All the way to the North)?

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Oh... other than the fact that I like this song a lot, another reason I put this song here today was that, recently I found out about this Pokemon in Ruby/Sapphire version known as "Nosepass".

Nosepass is a rock type Pokemon (I think so...) which has a naturally magnetic nose: It will tend to point to the North.

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The song reminds me of Nosepass.

I've just finished the Gold-Silver-Crystal part of the Pokemon Adventures manga series. Sad ending. Sigh.

The Pokemon doing the GANBATTE yesterday is Heracross, one of my favourites.