overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, June 21, 2009

In His time

Yesterday's cell was especially edifying. Almost all of us served in Student Camp, and we've all had our very own tiny (some not so tiny) encounters with God, and opportunities to serve Him.

And sometimes, God just raises us up for the occasion, under very short notice!

I'm glad to say that I've found one of my areas of calling. But it's just one, and I'm sure there're more.

Burdens come and go. In different times we see different people in need, but who will I be called to minister to? This time round I've been reading Emotional Intelligence by Goleman, and in the cases described in the book I see people missing out on the fullness of life because of a missing ingredient in their life: EQ.

Fights, destructive relationships, lives broken by the onslaught of negative emotions, and all we need is to handle our emotions better.

That could be learnt (or for some, re-learnt) with external help.

Which brought back to mind my distant interest in Social Work modules in University.

I still have yet to make my choice for my Minor, and I'll still be doing J-Studies modules. But I should probably take a closer look at SW in the following semesters.

Still, God, even in all these, even when I know that everything will only happen in Your own time, I guess I won't cease pleading with you about that small request of mine. The frustration has awakened all over again, and I doubt it ever will go away.

I know I sound like a brat, but I'm sick of waiting.