overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pricey discovery

An article on My Paper caught my attention today.

A research in some institute in California shows that the same kind of wine with, different price tags on, tends to induce different levels of pleasure in the drinker. Same taste, at a "higher price", results in even a higher activity in the brain's pleasure centre, detectable by brain scans.


I myself have come to see that everything is really value for money... in clothes and devices for everyday use. Greater price means greater effort put in engineering and styling, study of the market, etc. , basically everything behind the launch of a product.

But do I, on certain occasions of looking for quality, fall into the trap of equating price to quality? There are things that one cannot save money on, but are there times when I simply let the price tag do the talking?