overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Nowadays I like to listen to one song just repeatedly.

The last few weeks was Z Chen's 重返寂寞 ("Back to Loneliness"). There's a lyric inside I really like a lot.

若命运只想拿个梦 敷衍我太长的等候
那大可不用美丽到让我 以为这次心动会有什么

I just love the way it brings out the disappointment of someone in the wait.

Now it's Jay Chou's 我不配 ("I'm Not Worthy"). I love the tune, but I don't exactly like the interlude (Mi Do Ti So Mi La is so common!) and his gibberish pronunciation isn't helping either.

But it's still playing on my computer now for the past n times.