overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

December Boys

Goodbye guys. Yes, you who go ORD in December.

Peng... you're really a nice brother in Christ and, erm, a nice K buddy. Can imagine seeing a Dr Huang in about 6 years time, haha. All the best!

Yichuan, fellow type 9 haha... I was very glad you shared your knowledge on the Enneagram. Glad to see you being able to finally do something meaningful to you. You're probably the first friend of mine who came into my house! Keep up the enthusiasm for music. You can do it!

Yi Heng & Robert (LOL), Pwn my head for 250 gold, again. You guys are a fun bunch.

Edmund, It was really too late that I knew of your hobby of writing songs, but come to think of it it's not really too late. Let's work together still!

Chad: You do plan for your ORD haha. Kino is quite a nice idea...