overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, February 26, 2007

Chinese New Year 2007

This Chinese New Year has been an eventful one (a bit cliched, yes), and a long one too, because the first day of CNY fell on Sunday, so we had a make-up holiday on Tuesday!

On day 1 I did tell my Dad about it... and got expected results lah. Nevertheless it's better to me than having to lie about it all the time. I'm sick of that. Of course, now it means that hs has a good reason to scold me now when something goes wrong, for instance, totally no-link stuff like going home late...

Never mind. I'm not against anyone, and I will bear no grudge. Only then I can call myself a Christian.

Anyway, we went to various relatives' houses on Day 1, my paternal uncles and aunts.

I realised that some of my love for Bah Kua has been lost. I don't eat it so, erm... so enthusiastically these days. Or maybe some, like Mom, would say that you can't really call half-a-box-of-Bah-Kua-per-house "unenthusiastic".

On Day 2 I went to Max's house for steamboat and card games. Watched Hot Chick on Ch. 5 and found it a nice show.

The steamboat was great! Even though we used simple ingredients like Yong Tao Hu stuff and some raw meat, it turned out good, and it's a true saying that the soup left from a long enough steamboat session really rocks!

They played Munchkin while Max and I did some art on the card game he was developing, called Weebies. Basically it's about attacking other people's assets, which are acquired during the game (duh!).

Jonathan was the proud winner of the first ever round of Weebies ever played on Earth!

We then watched Windstruck, the Korean movie about the love story of a young policewoman, which had some oh-so-bloody-typical tear-jerking scenes (well at least they tried). The only part of the film that gladdened me was that Max and guys actualy found the sad scenes funny.

Har Har Har. The Koreans failed to make 5 people cry on 20/02/2007! Har Har!

We stayed overnight there and on the next day I went to Mdm Chew's house, where we played, erm, Blackjack. Mdm Chew ordered a super generous serving of KFC, and what's more, my upperstudy was there!

Only regret for that day was that my stomach didnt have space for more KFC after only 3 pieces. I wonder why.

Movies I watched in that period included Austin Powers 1, HP and the Chamber of Secrets and Hot Chick.

Austin Powers was... OK I enjoy comedies in general, but there's this part of the movie which I find good. When Austin and Van were atacking Dr Evil's base, everytime they kill the henchman his name tag will be shown, followed by his family or friends recieving the news of his death. One of them was actually marrying soon (Ouch!).

Well, to me this sort of gives the message that every life matters. Quite a contrast to those shows where armies of henchmen can die at the hands of a single hero... OK I know they're bad guys but... it's just a reminder that every life matters lah huh? Seeing hundreds of dead bodies on the battlefield sometimes lead us to forget to think whether they have families or not. Something like what Stalin said, "One death is a tragedy; 6 million deaths is statistics", which is a harsh reality.

Harry Potter and the CoS will remain as my favourite movie episode of the HP series.

We had celebrations in our office too! First was the decorations competition, which our branch won, typically (in the very sense of the word). Thanks to Wee and CB for their supervision, especially the pig origami.

New year lunch at Tiong Bahru was really as what Max called it, "bouncing". We even got Hongbao with Toto tickets inside!

And more Hongbao in the later days! Groups of us went round the office to exchange mandarin oranges with our married colleagues and got lots of Hongbao! And Mdm Chew brought stuff like pineapple tarts for our section. One of the types of P-tarts were really nice!

Had Yusheng with my cell-group and other churchmates on Day 7. Supposed to have stamboat with them, but I was going o watch "Protege" with my colleagues, so had to say goodbye. Hmm wait till next year lor.

P.S. This was the first CNY in so many years, where I've been so hyped-up about buying new clothes. Thinking of bringing about a revolution in Narnia. If you get the drift.