overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Sunday, February 11, 2007

10080 Minutes Too Late

This post is one week late.

The past week had been a busy one for me, so I had no time to complete my posts; I managed to do only drafts of them. I finally found time to put in those missing little pieces.

Army PRIDE Camp

On the 1st and 2nd of February the members of our unit's WITS team (including me) went for the Army PRIDE Camp co-organized by FOCUS training centre, a group that does adventure games at Sentosa.

Hence, that's where our camp took place.

Of course, for a training camp on team dynamics there's bound to be teams formed, and try as the personnel of the same unit might to stay together, they split us up somehow, but I ended up in the same group as Chor Bin and Reuben.

On the first day we did stuff like...

  • Crossing a great distance from one region to another with a help of a rope hung smack in the middle of the 2 regions.
  • Trying to balance on wires held between poles.
  • Getting a huge see-saw balanced with all of us on it.
  • Walking high structures (like wires and plank bridges) on belay

For the see-saw thing you see people trying to do it in funny ways. Our group ended up with all sitting down except for a teammate and I. The 2 of us were marching on the spot (it looked quite funny on the video) and shifting the centre of gravity respectively.

Walking on structures n metres high sure gave me the creeps, man! My feet perspired like mad, and no, it didn't feel good with lots of sticky sweat between your toes after you came down. The feeling of swinging down from the structure, however, was... adrenaline!

People like Chiang Wee and Max never failed to surprise anyone when told they're Army clerks.

Day 2 was the day we got wet! We were to build improvised rafts to row out to the sea, and having a DXO who had been in a dragon-boat team did help! Our rowing was rhythmic and organised, and we, erm, didn't come in last. Heh. There were girls playing volleyball nearby during the event and, well, most of us were guys so... all I could say was some of us did seem a bit intimidating to them and they left the scene (*~*)...

Other games included something about snatching balls, and in that game we did need some reminder that playing is not really about winning. Poison ball sort of gives a different feeling when played on beach.

There was another blindfold game where I tried (read: TRIED) stepping out to lead, but failed, as usual.

Some people just can't be leaders.

Well despite that game being the last item, the whole camp was pretty enjoyable and the Palawan beach was a memorable place, with the ultra fine sand and the dried bones (?!!!!) and all.

Kaicheng's birthday K-box session

Some of the 10/04 people decided to organise some kind of party for Kaicheng, and the closest weekend happened to be last Sunday. We went to K-Box (oh, of course I joined!) and sang for a good 5 hours! And as usual, I managed to get the group tired of Jay Chou songs.

My only complaint: There was no "Tui Hou" in the selection yet! What's K-Box thinking?!

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Estella, Kaicheng & Fiona

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The cake for Kaicheng!

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Cutting the cake!

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Took a shot of them singing again...

Couldn't really find the opportunity to take shot of others who were there, namely Esmond and JY. Maybe because I didn't want to waste everybody's time as my phone camera takes some time to take a picture well. Hmm.

It was fun, of course. Any KTV outing would do so for me.

In the same series as the Misato figure from an earlier post comes Rei Ayanami!

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Sigh... can't really capture the essence of the figurine using VGA... But she's prettier on the box leh... (if not, what's the box for?)