overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Saturday, June 24, 2006

WOPC loh!

This week had been a busy one for CPC, because our unit was organizing the Warrant Officers' Promotion Ceremony at the Chevrons (an SAF clubhouse in Jurong East).

I was one of the carpark helpers.

Most of us were there at the Chevrons for 2 days: The rehearsal and the actual ceremony. Some of us went to check out the arcade when we're not deployed, and of course I'm one of them. The Initial D Arcade Stage 2 (it's a rare find, since most arcades have already replaced them with Ini D Arcade Stage 3) was similar to Stage 3 (just a fewer number of courses :P) but it was obvious that the Ini D pros rarely visit the Chevrons. Why? I was able to leave my name on the top 10 lists of a few courses, when my timing was only at the average level.

The carpark people were supposed to wear the No. 4 uniform, so I finally got the chance to wear it again (even though I'm now quite used to the No. 3). We've got to wear berets as well... now that's something new for me -- I haven't worn a beret before during BMT... but who would?

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Max wearing his beret

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Peng adjusting his beret... well this photo looks a bit...

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Nick in the Long 4

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So that's how I look when I wear a beret myself...

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When doing the actual duty we had to wear this fluorescent vest.

From what I heard, the event was a success... and after the event was officially over, the duty personnel got to taste the food as well... the items that appealed to me included the chicken, the Eclair and the California rolls!

As a form of celebration, one the staff officer in charge of the carpark boys got beer for us, and, well, I had to say that it was the first time in my life I drank so much alcohol (about half a can of beer)!

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Drinking alcohol is not a bad thing, but I really have to say sorry to my taste buds... and say hi to Jonathan, our new colleague who is the understudy of Jireh.

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Jireh and Max: The "Handover" of... whatever.

More miscellaneous pictures for this week...

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I say, this is going to be the most beautiful shot of Angela Chang I've seen so far!

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Unlike Ini D at the Chevrons, this time I'm really happy to leave my name on the top racers list in the Podracing Game at Tampines Mall!

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Peng, who was awakening from his sleep during when we're at Starbucks

Now that my new phone supports mp3 and I've got a free mp3 editor from the Internet, I'm now able to use any part of any song for my ringtones!

This week I've been out of sorts... can't even do simple work properly (must have been too stressed)... and I've been spending quite a lot (ever since the new phone episode)... I hope I can spend less and do my job better next week.

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Here's to a better week ahead! (If you can see the rainbow, that is.)