overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sing again

There are times when we have to put ourselves into the shoes of others before accusing them.

I heard a discussion on the radio regarding whether a company should employ pregnant women. There were some people who criticised companies which refuse to employ pregnant women and even said these companies would not really look into welfare of staff.

Well what I think is that the reason may not be as simple as selfishness on the companies' part. When a person is newly employed, he or she may need to take some time to get used to the workflows and job scope and stuff. A pregnant woman will have to take maternity leave months after being employed, and if she's only about 1 or 2 months before delivery, then she may have to go for maternity leave right after geting used to stuff in the company. The limited level of understanding may diminish again during the leave period.

This doesn't apply to all cases, of course. But when people criticise those companies, do they even know what kind of companies they are?

Yesterday after work, I went with my colleaugues to this KTV in Somerset called "The One". Haha it's actually a big underground section of a building with a really small entrance... which reminded me of the Leaky Couldron bar in Harry Potter.

I was amazed when I got in, however. It's like a huge labyrinth with pretty nice rooms, and the GUI (Graphic User Interface) of the song selection system was pretty well done.

Except for the old crowd from last week's K box outing, Jianyuan came along as well. Dom brought his girlfriend and Huang Peng brought a female friend, so it wasn't all male voices that evening.

The songs we sang were pretty much the usual songs, and like last week, we couldn't spare time for the long introduction to the MTV of Gary Cao's "Superwoman", so I didn't have the chance to sing it... I hope the KTVs can, like, offer the chance for us to select a "cut" version of the MTV to cater to the needs of those who want to watchit and those who just want to sing it.

However I was pretty glad to have had the chance to sing more of Jay's songs like Hei Se Mao Yi (Black Sweater).

Today I went to watch the movie "Cars" by Pixar. Of course, part of the reason was because I'm a bit into cars now, but I sort of expected that the focus of the movie would not be on the aspects of cars that I'm interested in.

I was wrong.

The movie was actually very meaningful... it was about Lightning, a racing car (not Rally cars -- more like that kind of racing in Daytona USA) who lost his way (oh, cars are living beings in this film... they drive themselves) on the journey to a major competition and stumbled (literally) into an abandoned town... repaired damages... fell in love... came to meet a veteran who happened to be an expert in drifting (I told you I was wrong about this movie!) but was disillusioned with the racing world. In that town he came to realise the value of friends in his life.

Don't think it's a film for kids only. Otherwise you'll miss out the funny parts of the show I left out in my description above, and end up snoring in the theater like what a middle-aged father was doing right beside me during the middle part of the show. Grrr.

I love the Great Singapore sale, man...I got to buy DVDs of Initial D 4th stage Anime for half the price!

And I discovered that the D letter does not merely mean "drifting"... heh heh.