overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, January 02, 2006

New year, new discoveries

First post I'm making in 2006. Heh... I'm doing this at home again. That's just my house computer... it's become fickle these days, sigh...

But I'm not sure whether I'll have the patience to wait for the republishing of my whole blog on this computer...

Anyway, the class barbeque was quite a blast.

After blogging my year-end post at the library, I expected that I would be late... I recieved a message telling me that they'll be at the pit at 5:30 p.m. (after shopping for stuff at Parkway).

I arrived at the pit (after walking for what seemed like a century), only to find that there was no one in sight. And it was about 6:30 p.m..

As it turned out, they're still at Parkway at that time.

One unforgettable thing about that barbeque session was that they managed to heat the charcoal very evenly and almost all of them were glowing orange... there was just something different about the charcoal I saw on that day from those I've seen in my past barbeque sessions... it was magical! There was one point when the charcoal will emit hundreds of sparks when you fan it! Now that's a first time in my entire life!

I was the self-appointed fishball embassador on that day... all I did was to keep cooking the fishballs and bringing it around... haha.

My "new discovery" was that you can make your own starfruit drink (like those bottled ones) without using starfruit.

Boil some soup using wintermelon, carrots and celery... wait for the soup to cool, then add some dry "gou qi zi" (this small red stuff you can buy in chinese medicine halls; known for its benefits for the eyes) into the soup. As for the amount, add until they cover the entire surface of the soup (yes they float).

Wait for at least half an hour. Then try drinking the soup. You'll be surprised... well, at least I was!