overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

ORD loh!

Not me lah.

It's my "upper-study", Yongyun, whose ORD was yesterday.

I remembered that time when I first came into CPC... everyone was talking about how soon YY's going to leave and how short the time was for him to teach me all he knew.

One month. Plus a bit more.


Tsk... can't find the words lah...

All I want to say is thanks. For being friendly to me when I was new... for trying to make sure you left nothing untaught before you left... Of course I have to move on now, and... all the best in your journey in psychology.

Hope you like my token of appreciation... I think it would remind you of your days of serving in the Army (even though you're in No.3 most of the time... haha)

Happy ORD to Hongda as well. I think Chor Bin would be a good successor to your job.

P.S. Was it just me, or... I realized that I kept hearing songs about leaving and parting being broadcasted on the radio of my return private bus... one of the listeners on the line even talked about something related to ORD...