overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, November 24, 2005

2 years in 2 (plus) weeks: An A level special (Part 3)

Question: Should I vomit out all the other days at one go now that my A levels are... OVER?

Answer: No. I don't have the capacity to do such a long post (I did my Star Wars Special for weeks!) and I don't think you want to read such a long post at one go as well, so... 4 more days first!

DAYS 5 and 6

Weekends. "Weekends" says something. "Weekends-in-exam-season" says something else.

But for me, it's still quite relaxing... I just studied Physics (Papers 1 and 2 next Monday). While studying my Prelims paper for Physics, I realized that a lot of the questions I left out were actually very doable... it was just that I gave up too easily.

Erm... that's all for weekends.


Physics Papers 1 and 2 were on the afternoon, but I arrived at College in the morning (as I always do) and... bought breakfast...

On my way to the food centre, I saw a woman and a girl who might have been mother and daughter... the woman was holding a cigarette and didn't seem to mind the wind blowing the cigarette smoke in her daughter's face... sigh.

After breakfast... did I sleep? Or maybe I slept before going to buy breakfast... anyway, I went to the library after breakfast to mug... and ended up reading the MAD magazine again... haha... it's some crappy magazine available in America (don't ask me why we get them in our College library).

After I finally decided to do some decent mugging, Jansen came along, followed by Jinrong and Ming Hwee. That day I understood Hall Voltage for the first time (Jansen explained it to me); I previously thought that this area of knowledge was sort of unimportant.

Jansen advised me to allocate 30 minutes for the Data Analysis question... looks like it's going to be power-packed!

Paper 1 (Multiple Choice) was OK... I knew that I got 2 questions wrong too... one of which had 2 likely choices... until you realise that there's an error in one of the "likely" choices: Neutron with Mass number 1 and Proton number 1. And I chose that erroneous choice. Stupid me.

Well, I guess that was because I spent lots of time on the question on magnetic fields generated by wires.

For Paper 2 (Structured questions), I was afraid that the symbols I used in my formulae were not well defined, but I think I overdid the "defining" part... I spent a lot of time on that Gravitation question which I knew how to do, because of defining symbols.

Talk about overdoing it... I almost went to define the symbols in "V = IR". Thank God I didn't, otherwise I would look so stupid...

In Paper 2, I got OWNED by the Analogue Electronics (I didn't do a lot of "modify-the-amplifier" questions before) and Data Analysis (of all things, they wanted me to repeat what I do in SPA) question.


Chemistry Paper 2 which I was somehow confident about (I was confident about all my Chem papers this season).

It rained that morning, and they could not have Student Venture gatherings... so Jiansheng came and joined us. As usual, Kelvin and Jansen's presence at the table brought in all the other 23/04 guys too, who sat down and discussed about Tong Xin Yuan.

That paper turned out to be one of my most relaxing of all papers... and it was the only paper which I had time to check after completing it.

The only snag was that electrolysis question... I studied all the applications of electrolysis... all but the electrolysis of brine (concentrated salt solution) to get chlorine.

And the question on Electrolysis was about electrolysis of brine.

Thank God I knew all along that chlorine is one of the products (due to the study of the Halogens topic) and the other product cannot be sodium chloride (that would just be stupid) so it must be sodium hydroxide. The only section in that question which I couldn't answer was on the purpose of the diaphragm.

One of the things I discovered during my A levels season was that I tend to slack a lot after Chemistry papers. The same thing happened that day, even with Physics Paper 3 (essay paper) on the next day.

That day was the day when I discovered that the library computers had this "Smart Filter" that was way too smart... it even forbidden access to my tagboard, classifying it as Chat.

Oh well...