overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

2 years in 2 (plus) weeks: An A level special (Part 1)

The A levels.


We toiled and strived for, like, 2 years (3 years for some) just for this magical moment... the A levels!

Everything we studied for 2 years... they're going to be used for just this one thing that matters...


Felt like crying when I typed my last sentence... my Physics!!! Oh my Physics!!! I still lost to time!!!

*Pours dust on head*

Now for the whole of my A levels period...


Maths. Paper 1.

OK... that paper wasn't in the morning... so I had time to study a bit of Maths stuff (like past year papers) while my friends were having their Biology paper (heh).

I ended up sleeping for an hour. Never mind... sleeping then was better than feeling sleepy during the paper.

After the Bio paper, Edwin came to mug with me... lunch followed, and we went to the food centre (I was eating Yong Tau Foo for the umpteenth time). I decided to bring my Maths notes along to do some study.

So we ordered our meals and ate... I was enjoying my Yong Tau Foo soup as usual when I turned to look at my notes... I saw some bits of strange stuff that looked like bird droppings.


But then again, it didn't look like bird droppings after all... and there're no birds up there...


Anyway, I decided that it's some dirty stuff and I have to do something to... erm, protect myself from it.

First thing I went back to College? I sealed that mark made by that dirty stuff with my cellophane tape.

I'll never bring my notes out to lunch again!

But I digress.

Maths Paper 1 was OK for me... I did study! So, I did everything and, well, I sort of ran out of time (again?) and didn't finish my Vector (my favourite topic) question. I also didn't have time to touch the 3-D trigonometry question.

Oh and I got stupid and couldn't come up with the way to solve a relatively easy question.

30 marks slipped out between my fingers.

"You call that OK?!"



I thought I was going to miss Nasi Lemak.

But I knew I was going to miss some marks if I didn't do some last minute refreshments for Food Chem.

Yes... Chem Paper 3, the essay paper and (if that's not enough) the one with Options Topic in it.

Food Chem for me, then.

Food Chem was a whole lot of dry stuff that I had to memorise... except for the chemical structures fo sugars and the structures of proteins-

"Hey... you actually think that's "not dry"?"

Well, I like to try understanding the chemistry behind things, not just "things".

Anyway, so that day I just had some bread for breakfast... hotdog, as I remember.

The sacrifice of Nasi Lemak time wasn't enough for me to finish my Food Chem "refreshment"... but then again, that's life.

Never mind... I memorised them beforehand, of course... like Bortrytis Cinerea and Streptococcus Cremoris and other long names. They're some microbes.

We had a seating plan crisis on that day. People didn't remember their seat numbers correctly and the table they gave for the seating plan did not have numbers on it... we had to , like, manually count our seat number... and they said it's all our fault!

"Cool down... cool down."

Then they started writing numbers on the table only after the crisis went for, like, 10 minutes!


The paper cheered me up. And that's saying much.

All in all, I was glad that I studied Inorganic Chem... the question was pure regurgitation.

Got OWNED by the deduction question, though. Deductive question with 2 NMR spectra inside. Out to kill me, wasn't it? But I think I could do it... it's just that I left it first to do my Food Chem questions... because time was running out.

In the end I only managed to stick my toe into that question by touching a bit on one of the NMR spectra.

One of the Food Chem questions was on Carbohydrates. I heaved a big sigh of relief because it was the topic which I spent a whole day trying to understand (remember what I said about sugar structures?).

Even the question on irradiation as a food processing method was essentially a data analysis question... and in the end they're just trying to ask you about rancidity of fatty acids and food poisoning. I didn't answer much about food poisoning though... I just said Clostridium Botulinum produces fatal toxins but Salmonella just causes non-fatal gastroentitris (the pro's term for stomach upset).

I got back my Maths paper (they put them out after the exams outside the library) because Joel found mine and gave it to me. Thanks Joel.

I was so relieved about the Chem paper that I actually didn't feel like doing anything on that day. I had the feeling that "everything" was over, you see...

Fat hope. I've got 2 major papers on the next day, including Maths Paper 2 and Computing Paper 1.

Studied Computing and I couldn't understand Quick Sort, but thank God, after coming out of the library (it's closed at 6 pm) with Ming Hwee, I saw Mr Chua (my Computing tutor) and clarified some doubts.