overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Thursday, January 22, 2009


One reason I didn't regret going for Gravity Unleashed Japanese singing competition was because one of my seniors at VOICES emerged champion in the end.

That aside.

Watching the bands, telling the tight ones from the not-so-tight, it seemed to me that my sitting in the theatre, there and then, wasn't by chance. Though I should say that my decision to turn up was made at really short notice.

Somehow, God must have put me there to remind me the purpose for which I was given my post in Emerge 09. Beyond my weariness in body and spirit I could see, through the eyes of the audience, the raw exhilaration that a fabulous live band act can actually stir up.

We've just got to want it badly enough.