overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

If you're reading this

Since we can't contact you now, maybe I can just say a few words here.

You were perhaps anticipating something close to a confrontation, but in fact we just intended to be there for you as friends should be. 'Cause there's almost no doubt that you're facing troubles now.

On your own.

Looking back on those times when we haven't found out what really was going on, some of us really wondered how long you have been keeping the problem to yourself. And how it felt.

It must have been tormenting.

Now it looks like history is repeating itself. Looks like.

But please don't swallow it on your own again. You know where and how to seek help.

Perhaps you can stop being afraid of us, if that's how you're feeling now.