overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Along came Spidey

I just realised that my previous post was my 444th post on this blog.


Hmm... my 444th post is on the 4 Flying Wheels. What a coincidence...


Well, "you can't know what control really means" until you have 2 seemingly promising games threatening your grades for the first semester. Now THAT'S gonna take some serious control!

I was just harping on about Star Wars The Force Unleashed, and now we have an upcoming Spidey game, Web of Shadows.

Then again, this was just a teaser trailer and as of now, we know nuts about the gameplay and controls, so... will it be a revolutionary Spidey game? We shall see.