overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Monday, March 24, 2008

In Full Bloom

I need to feed my fetish once in a while you know...

One of my neighbouring brown blocks

Anyway, good to be back posting again, after going through this mood swing and that (like, what's new). Much of my life now revolves around NUS and Buona Vista (which is - trust me - not much), my renewed passion for Mario Kart, and the Easter mood.

So it's nice to see "familiar faces" in the NUS Medical Museum just below my office.

Shuyi-lookalike. Don't you think?


Jiansheng had this rich kid tuition student (wow) who just came back from Japan (WOW!) and brought home some products. Jiansheng shared with us one of those weird stuff he got.

It says "Shiitake Cha". Yes you got it. it's Shiitake Tea

Hold on, Shiitake tea?

Made a cup of it, and boy it smells great! Just that after all the novelty and excitement over it I realised it tasted just like your instant noodle soup with mushroom flavour. Weiqiang was, like, "The tea's actually salty?!"

Mushroom bits included.


Due to the recent bout of rain, we see supposedly evergreen roadside trees actually flower!


Shots taken at Buona Vista

As if that's not enough, my Easter skit required me to get roses for props. My first time getting stuff from the florist, and it's not even for a date... :(

Rose, rose, I love you...