overly romanticised version of life

images by onionhead, RebzxJonasxMoseley

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Amazing Spi- ah no I mean, grace.

I was very fortunate to have been able to catch Spidey 3 on its first day of screening. At quite an early time in the day too! Thanks Kelvin!

Anyway... what can I say? You all know that this episode will be about Spidey having a battle within himself (not to mention 3 (3!!!) villains (Venom, the new Green Goblin & Sandman), all packed in one film.

In my opinion this film is really worth a watch.

The thing about Spidey films is that... well, it does justice to the so-called "villains", by giving us their background quite clearly. In the end of the films I could always feel that the villain who died, was yet another person -- he had dreams, he had loved ones, his dreams were shattered, his loved ones gone... etc. Not to justify their deeds, but perhaps just an effort to bring out in us the compassion that they too deserved.

I tell you what... at the end of Spiderman 3 I don't know which lines you'll remember and which lines you'll forget, but there's definitely one line all of us wil take away from the film.

"I forgive you."